As the paradigm "Gestalt of a world vision"

Friday, February 1, 2008 | | |

Another point of view the notion of what is a paradigm, a paradigm is Gestalt (organized) of the three main branches of philosophy which is a "Weltanschauung" (German for "Du")

Use the concept of paradigm in the understanding of Kuhn and others, are most often vague and ambiguous analogies - ignotum per ignotius (explained the unknown through most unknown), or by obscurum obscurius (explained lack of clarity through the more blurred) - At other concepts as the model.

Kuhn defines a paradigm as "a constellation of beliefs, values and techniques, and so forth, shared by members of a given community" (Kuhn). This definition appears Kuhn, 1969 postscript to his first book, because originally the term paradigm was not clearly defined. In addition to this definition Kuhn mentioned another way of using it had: a paradigm also "identifies a kind of element in this constellation, concrete puzzle solutions, used as models or examples, can replace explicit rules as a basis for the solution of other puzzles of science normal "[Ibid.] The term remains unclear because of different uses it is given.

Paradigms could be described as structural. Paradigms operate at different levels, macro, meso and micro levels of the paradigm of the structure. Levels address the fundamental structure of paradigms, rather than his chronological history-categorization or etymological use, as used by most disciplines. Levels of paradigms are always present and is not confined to those categories. They contribute to an understanding of how a paradigm.

At the macro level, a knowledge of basic assumption to the question: "what can be heard" is necessary. The question is: "Can it really be assumed that the essences of things ideal could be known at all, as in Plato and Aristotle use of the theory of ideas? Essentialistic addition to the approaches of these two philosophers, Is it not possible that "things themselves as they are revealed," analysed in Heidegger basic ontology? assumption that we are doing to address these issues predispose the perception that determines how we ask the question on how we come to knowledge.

In the meso level, the question is how the macro-economic influences on the forms and theory of knowledge. "Is that bounded by deductive knowledge of human perception to man or man is open to an induction-comprehensive understanding of the world?". If man is open to the inductive knowledge, what is its origin? The assumption on the macro level is the basis of this assumption. All efforts philosophical since the pre-socratics are essentialistic. An ontological approach seeks to evade the essences of things, requiring themselves to reveal things as they are.

At the microeconomic level, therefore, the perception of the two previous levels, answering the questions of what is in the world and how the world is understood, is used in a practical way of doing things. Is the practice based on several "laws of Conduct (ethics), or is it a fundamental and constant encounter with the open world as a way different from the perception? Such a perception is a different "emotional awareness." Past and current understanding of the perception is limited to essentialistic categories of limitation. "Awareness emotional" is by nature open and unlimited, inductive and not limited to "the perception sense."

Thus, a paradigm is a view of reality which is a "Gestalt" arising from the three branches of philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology and ethics (see Encyclopaedia Britannica: branches of philosophy):

(1) a metaphysical assumption of what might be known (refer to the pre-Socratics Parmenides and Heraclitus). It forms the basis for:

(2) an epistemological the acquisition of knowledge. This is the line essentialistic essentialism of the thought of Plato, Aristotle and Popper ontological against the line of thought (ontology) opened by the "uncertainty principle" of Heisenberg theories of quantum Heidegger "fundamentals Ontology." This is the basis for:

(3) in an ethical practice of life.

It is obvious that the three branches of philosophy to describe the structure of a paradigm. None of the branches of metaphysics, epistemology and ethics can be left aside for the understanding of paradigms. Together, they describe a "Gestalt", resembles a spiral (and not a simple circular) movement, forming the understanding hermeneutics.

The result is that hermeneutics can not be reduced to an interpretation of something in the context of the text itself in a mere "hermeneutical circle," and it is a development round which aims to:

(a) "Wahrnehmung" as an "emotional awareness", which is more than just perception sense. The method to emotional awareness east by the "ontological understanding." It is the principles which underlie a paradigm , Is designed as the Heraclitean "flows" (Heraclitus) or Parmenidean "a" (Parmenides). This principle is seen as the relationship between limited to unlimited. Meta-ethics "principles" as the rule of Gold ethics "Do to others as you would like to do for you" are trained here.

(b) "verstehen" that the analysis of "being" to achieve understanding of 'me'. Here, construction, or future, a theory of knowledge is produced, determined by the assumptions in my metaphysical "conviction" of the nature of reality in (a). These assumptions necessarily a trend mainly deductive or inductive essentially the theory of knowledge acquisition, which is reflected in my epistemology. Messo-ethical "standards", as the sanctity of human life and freedom, are made at this level.

(c) "ethos" is an attempt to shape the world in which we live, increasingly an "attitude" or participation in a mutually structured reality. All those who choose to participate in this reality, do so by "take responsibility for actions" in a social environment. More specifically micro-ethics "codes of conduct" as monogamy and what we consider to be "true and good behaviour ", was systematized in our" dogma "at this level.

(d) "Praxis" is "good" thing. This is the result of systematic behavior (a), (b) and (c) in a Gestalt, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This behaviour is still the basis for "Wahrnemung", repeating the cycle on a new level. The most important thing is to understand that this cycle does not begin now to the previous starting position. It is a "new consciousness" of the practice because of previous stages in the cycle. The next round of "Wahrnemung" is high compared to the emotional level of awareness to a better understanding. This is the basis for a new understanding of development. The development is much more than a "mechanistic", by definition, all processes mechanistic function and are "essentially" closed systems. The development is, by definition, an inductive load element. Another important point is that there is no beginning or end in the cycle, each step is on a high level of its previous position. Contrast to this, a circle has a beginning and an end, which has effectively no development is merely a reaffirmation of what was previously in a stagnant fundamentalism.

Thus, a paradigm can only be understood in the context of a hermeneutics cycle structure paradigms. It replaces the simple interpretation or simply be understood. It implies that the paradigms of development are by nature, moving in a hermeneutic cycle instead of a recurring mechanical environments. Describing a paradigm as an epoch, epic, model, Weltanschauung, or any other term is barely more than simply rename the concept of a paradigm to another concept known, might be a tautology terms of trade.

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